Tips before recording

Tips before recording

To produce is quite a different situation from Å produsere  demo er en helt annen To produce is quite a different situation from a concert. In a concert you have to focus on delivering the message in real time. A concert is done when it’s done while a CD or an audiofile is available like forever. So you want to make it as perfect as possible. In production you have more room to work with details until everything is as good as it can get.

This means usually to take a couple of “concert versions to get the overall perspective right and then work with the still imperfect details in shorter bits and pieces. It’s very common to sing/play difficult passages separate end several times to get closer to perfection.

Therefore, you should pick music that you are capable of performing very well. You should know your music well enough to be capable of playing with it and do not have to fight with!

And some more tips to make you comfortable in a recording situation: Take with you enough food end something to drink that keeps your energy level on top for several times of singing/playing.

Wear cloth that are first of all comfortable and give the possibility to adjust temperature so that you neither freeze or sweat.

Avoid all cloth and accessories that could making noise (no silk, no heels no jewels)

I need some sound from you before we start actual recording to get the microphones and levels right. So I appreciate if you do your warm up in my presence and give me the necessary sound examples by doing your warm up. That saves your energy for the recording.

Please do take care of that I get a copy of your scores with identical bar count. I need that to communicate with you about corrections and to take notes for the editing.

Good luck with your recording session!