Who is LukasLyd

Who is LukasLyd?

LukasLyd alias Ina von Lukas has learned her professional sound skills at "Schule für Rundfunktechnik" in Nürnberg.

From 1990 to 2000 she worked at "Hessischer Rundfunk" in Frankfurt as sound technician and assitant to audio engineers at recording sessions of the radio symphony orchestra and a recording series with young musicians.

At the same time she took singing classes with Gabriella Künzler, mezzosoprano at Staatstheater Wiesbaden. In 1996 the singing was toned down as she accepted to work as sound engineer for "Schauspiel Frankfurt".

In 2000 she switched jobs again, and started to work for D.A.V.I.D. GmbH in München. That was a supplier for audio editing and storage. A software used in most public european broadcasting houses. So audio engineering got dropped for a more computer related job.

As she missed audio engineering and especially to work with music, her friendship with Martha Sharp, singing teacher at the Salzburg Mozarteum lead to recording of her opera school students.

In 2005 Ina moved to Oslo where she worked as technical project manager for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation "NRK" until 2012 and currently for the University College "Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus". In her spare time she constantly records classical concerts and demo CDs for local musicians.

After her father Karl Freiherr von Lukas died in 2013 she inherited all rights on his music and has since started to edit, record and publish his music. An enormous project of 42 different opus for piano, for string quartets, woodwind and singers!

   Lukas Lyd has norwegian organisation number 912 507 076                                                   Copyright  ©  All Rights Reserved                                                                   contact: ina(at)lukaslyd.no