Karl Freiherr von Lukas

Karl Freiherr von Lukas...

..Studied law in Munich and worked as judge all his life. Composition was one of his numerous hobbies. He got the skills from listening to composition classes additionally to his law classes as a young student.

He wrote his music for his later wife, for his children, for friends he practiced music together with and about topics that interested and bothered him.

LukasLyd is devoted to make his music accessible.

You find the music that is ready produced and accessible on the music page. Both the recordings and the scores are free to use but any publishing or public performance must be announced to LukasLyd.

Some other is edited to readable scores but is not yet recorded.  LukasLyd is constantly on the lookout for musicians to play. Do you want to be the first to perform some beautiful music? Do not hesitate to contact me.

No musician but interested in the project as a listener? Please do not hesitate to contact me and you will be on my mailing list!

Lukas Lyd has norwegian organisation number 912 507 076                                                 Copyright  ©  All Rights Reserved                                                                         contact: ina(at)lukaslyd.no